"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I would like to expand upon our class discussion, as we talked about the importance of a woman changing their name upon getting married. As I sat in class listening to numerous people talk of the respect that a name change signifies in a marriage, I wondered why the wife changes her name, rather than the husband. I found that the tradition is derived from Biblical history. Though I value the Biblical roots of the tradition, I do not agree with the modern application it. Today, women hold equal, if not superior jobs to that of their husband. Women, along with their husbands, possess bank accounts, credit cards, insurances, and passports, which require change if they choose to assume their husbands name after marriage. A husband does not just pop a ring on his wives finger and her name changes. The woman must go through a legal process in order to change her last name. Why is it only the woman who goes through all of the work to change their name? Many women already establish themselves through their maiden names, as Moushumi Mazoomdar does in Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake: "Besides, she [Moushumi] has begun to publish under Moushumi Mazoomdar"(227). Similar to Moushumi in The Namesake, many women establish their career previous to their marriage. Why should they, rather than their husband, have to go through the work of changing their name and causing potential confusion in regards to their career? Though Moushumi keeps her last name for career reasons, it seems as if this decision causes an unwarranted sense of complete independence from Gogol. Moushumi, after her marriage with Gogol, chooses to see Dimitri, an acquaintance, behind Gogol's back: "They begin seeing each other Mondays and Wednesdays"(263). Lahiri creates an unexpected twist to the plot, revealing the lack of respect that some women hold towards their wives. I agree with Lahiri, as I obviously do not condone infidelity. On the other hand, I do not believe that a name change guarentees loyalty and respect in a marriage. Many couples with the same last name cheat on each other, just as couples with different last names do. The same holds true for couples that remain loyal to each other. Therefore, if a husband and a wife live happily together and remain true to each other, why is a name change necessary? And why, in this modern and changing world, do the women have to do all of the work to change their name? I believe that in this modern world we live in, some things must change!

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