"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New Book Day

In AP English we complete 25 page data sheets, write 5 paragraph essays in 30 minutes, and have graded discussions most days of the week. Surprisingly, the day we have to bring in money for a new book always seems to cause me as much worry, if not more, than data sheets, essays, and discussions. Things start to get a little stressful the night before when I go home and ask for $11.50 or $8.50 exact change. First, I just go straight to my mom's wallet to get the money, but she never has the correct change.  This means I actually have to ask her if she has $8.50 exact change. Then, she proceeds to get mad at me and tells me how irresponsible I am for telling her the night before I need it, and wants to know how long I've known I needed the money ...and so on. Actually, for The Namesake, I told her the morning of, and she had to go out in the early hours of the morning to break a 20 dollar bill. I am a little nervous to ask her for $8.50 tonight.

Along with the fact that I leave everything to the last second and I am always scrambling around the night before, or the morning of to get the exact change, I always seem to temporarily lose the money throughout the day. I zip it in one pocket of my backpack to make sure I do not lose it, and then forget where I put it. Or I will just nonchalantly toss it in my backpack and it will get buried under all of the papers and pencils, which I also just toss in there. Thankfully, the money never permanently disappears, and I am able to recover it before going into a complete panic.

Also, I find bringing the money to Ms. Serensky's desk to be a bit stressful. I always have this irrational fear that I will trip over my own two feet on the way up and embarrass myself in front of the whole class. Last time, I successfully made it up without tripping, and then forgot to get a book! Thankfully, Kaleigh O'Hara noticed I did not get a book last time, and kindly reminded me to get one. I never know whether to say "hi," or "thank you," or "here's my money," or just smile... or just keep the serious face I already have on and just turn in the money. I guess I should worry more about actually taking a book. I hope all goes well tomorrow, and that I successfully obtain the exact change needed, keep track of my money throughout the day, and do not do anything embarassing when turning it in.


  1. Although I think, you blew this occasion slightly out of proportion, I understand your stress. When I tell my mom that I need exact change, she gives me this look and says something along the lines of "I don't know if I have exact change." Fortunately, I can usually figure something out, but there have been close calls. Also, I feel like we need to have the money in the most sensible format (One five, three ones, and two quarters)or else I will be judged. For example, I do not know if I would ever dare to bring pennies.

  2. I can relate to your stress over this situation, I always find that I irrationally worry throughout the day that my money might disappear and I find myself compulsively checking it during my classes to make sure it is still there.
