"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Monday, January 10, 2011

"Wiki" Deja Vu

        The moment Ms. Serensky introduced us to the Blog Project, undesirable memories of the 10th grade Wiki Project snapped back into my consciousness. I experienced a flashback to Honors English 10 class. I suddenly remembered suffering from multiple nervous breakdowns brought on by the time consuming Wiki Project. I suddenly suffered from a mild form of a nervous breakdown after realizing the fact that a large part of the project consisted of us constructing a creative site, with creative entries. Creativity is something I lack. My first entry included literary devices after every quote, and three quotes in the paragraph(Obviously, I struggled to break free from the formal analysis when writing my first blog) A few entries later, I was writing all about the time I crashed the car into the garage, tearing two doors off...and somehow finding a way to connect this unforgettable incident to AP English. Soon after, I changed my title from "Sarah Ross's AP English 12 Blog." I began to deviate from the formal analysis. Therefore, I believe that this blog project has helped us to find a creative outlet to talk about other aspects of english besides strictly the book. Due to this project, I feel that I have been able to better understand the implications of the text and the topics we discuss, as it has guided us to connect the events/themes of the novel to our own lives, and the lives of people around us. Though I am no Lizzy Burl(a creative blogging expert), writing songs about the books we read, I believe that I gained a creative outlook on the topics we discuss in class, and the novels we complete. If we do not continue our blogs next semester, I will miss them...and the Blog Banter.

1 comment:

  1. You weren't alone when having a nervous breakdown after hearing the word "blog" from Ms. Serensky. I immediately thought that these would be like the wiki project, but this wasn't at all like those wikis. Rather than torturous, these were actually fun because of their creativeness. I know you said it was hard at the beginning, but the fact that you could connect a car crash to AP English is definitely a notable achievement.
