"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Monday, January 31, 2011

Auden Look Alike?

          Today, in class, Ms. Serensky suggested a W.H. Auden look for my next Halloween costume.  By W.H. Auden, I mean 80 year old W.H. Auden. She seemed to think that the look would scare people away, thus making the perfect Halloween costume. I nodded in agreeance. Little did she know, I dressed up as an old man for Halloween back in fourth grade. Of course, I did not mention this in front of the class. Last year, after divulging the story about my big head as a baby, it found its way onto the third quarter quotes sheet. This meant that not only did my 10 person class hear about my big head, but all AP English 11 and 12 students heard about it. For days after the release of the new quotes sheet, people came up to me to ask me various questions about my big head, and some just stared at my head as I passed them in the hall. As a matter of fact, a few days ago, someone came up to me and asked, “Sarah, remember last year when you told us about your big head? Well I know what the formal name of the medical condition is called!” Of course, I did not retain the name of this condition in which many now believe me to have had. I do not like having a five finger forehead. Maybe people would think I didn’t have such a big head if I had not told them about my infanthood that day in class. I knew, that if I told Ms. Serensky that I dressed up as an old man in the fourth grade, that it would inevitably end up in the quotes. Therefore, I kept this information to myself. On the other hand, I would like to point out that dressing up like an old man is not as bad as all of you probably think. Upon the suggestion, many people looked slightly perturbed. They could not even imagine buying an old man costume. It might be extremely weird, and I am still not quite sure what compelled me to do it. On the other hand, I landed myself sometime in the spotlight after showing up to school in this costume. You could find me on the District Homepage, the Intermediate School Yearbook on multiple pages, and the School Newsletter. I was a star. Room mothers swarmed me like the paparazzi, admiring my “cute” old man costume, and snapping shots. Therefore, being an old man for Halloween is not that bad. Thank you, Ms. Serensky, for suggesting such an idea, and reminding me of my ephemeral days of fame back in fourh grade. So classmates, do not discount the idea. It could bring you much fame and fortune.

The picture that appeared on many pages of the school yearbook. Though I do not believe that I look too much like Auden.


1 comment:

  1. Sarah! I love your costume! Weirdly enough, as a third grader, I desired to dress up as an old lady. Although the costume looked wonderful in a Family Fun Magazine, my mom's and my execution of the costume somewhat struggled. I attempted to be a baby on the back of an old woman. You can see this attempt here: http://imgur.com/jUTri Like you, I have no idea why I chose this particular costume, when all of my peers dressed up in traditional costumes like witches and ballerinas. Despite the struggles, I too received some fame for the bizarre attire as I won the "Most Creative Costume" award for our third grade class. I find it interesting that within a year of each other, we both decided to dress up as elders for Halloween, so strange. What does this say about us?
