"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dream Journal

        As I was searching through the storage bins in my basement to find the picture of me dressed up as an old man, I stumbled across a brightly colored spiral notebook. It caught my eye, so I stopped my search and opened it up. It was none other than my "Dream Journal." As a younger child, I used to struggle to fall asleep at night. Therefore, my dear mother bought me this "Dream Journal," which instructs you to illustrate and write out the events of the day to clear your mind before falling asleep. This journal holds colored pencils inside the front cover for illutrations, in which I took very seriously. According to multiple entries in this journal, I was 9 years old. I would like to share an entry with you:
"Hi Me!
     Its me Sarah! Today, I played outside the INTIRE day! I did not wear my shoes so my feet got black and my mom got mad and she made me wash them of in the hoes outside before I came in. I played capture the flag outside becuase I am athletec. I like soccer. I am a rebal! My mom said to go to bed at 8 oh clock. I am awake the clock says 810 I am a rebal! She can not see me because I have my reading ligth. I turned of the ligths in my bedroom and so I am sneeking around with my reading ligth it goes on my journal so I can see what I write. When I hear her coming I pretend to fall asleep so i close my eyes. I am a rebal! I ran in front of a car today it was scary. I ate nine cookies! I saw a rainbow today and I looked for a poot of gold but it was not at the end I was sad. Bye. Good nigth"

The illustrations that went with this journal entry included the following: a rainbow, a "poot" of gold, a person standing next to the "poot" of gold that I labeled " a lepracan," and a reading light

             Evidently, I was a young belligerent, staying up past my appointed bed time to write in my journal. Therefore, maybe I should not mock journaling so much anymore. Whenever we have an infamous "Dear Journal" moment, I laugh myself to tears and think to myself, 'Who writes in a journal these days?' Then, I find 50 pages worth of journaling...my journaling. After mocking the use of a journal so much this year, I would like to remind you all that journaling is not as silly as we make it out to be, or Ms. Serensky makes it out to be. My journal helped me to fall asleep at night for two years, and become a young belligerent.

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