"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Response to "These Are a Few of My Favorite Things"

Last night, my friend/classmate posted a blog entry for the sole purpose of commemorating me before my 18th birthday.(I am not sure we can be friends after this, though)  I would like to thank Kaleigh for the immense amount of effort she put into making my birthday extra special this year. On the other hand, I feel as if her 16 "Favorite Things" need a bit of explanation. Below I have provided experts from her blog entry, along with my defenses.

1. "Sarah is really good at krumping and rapping."

 Kaleigh does not listen to music(maybe except for the occasional classical piece) The few times I have sang some Kanye are the closest thing she has heard to rap. Therefore, she does not understand the true essence of rap, and that my rapping is not good.

2. "The phone messages she leaves for Katie Connolly, truly, they are jewels."

This is why I usually text people.


I am/ was a young belligerent. In preschool, I got put in time out frequently for meowing and crawling around like a cat after playtime was over.

4. "Sarah was almost named Betsy, in honor of Betsy Ross."

I would have been honored to carry the name of such an important figure in the history of our dear country. People don't forget the "y" at the end of Betsy like they do the "H" at the end of Sarah.

5.  "When she contradicts herself in the course of a single sentence, example:  “No, no, really, I like dogs!” (As she cringes and flinches because of her proximity to a dog). To be fair, the dog in question was climbing on her and licking her face, but it was pretty funny to see Sarah, clearly uncomfortable, insist that she was completely fine with a dog climbing on her and licking her face. "

Yes, I am scared of dogs. I just try to be polite when people bring their pets around. I would hate to offend someone and sever a friendship over my dislike for their dog. Pets are like another family member to most people. Therefore, telling someone to lock their dog up in the closet until I leave is the equivalent of saying "Please lock your sister up until I go. Thanks." After I witnessed my sister get chased down and bitten by a unruly black dog, and hearing the horror stories about my mother's childhood dog Rusty, I am a bit weary. Rusty had to be put down after he attacked my aunt...

6. "The “Smoky” voice."

 At least people laugh at it.

7. "Sarah got AP English student of the year…and wasn’t present to receive her award"

 I had an appointment.

8. "Sarah does not believe that she is one of Ms. Serensky’s favorite students. Sarah is extremely modest, and I know she just wants to avoid bragging, but no one is going to believe that Ms. Serensky gave you the award “because she felt bad for you” Sarah."  

 I never said that "Ms. Serensky felt bad for me." She does not feel bad for me.

9.  "Hitting the road with Sarah is always an adventure; she is talented enough to drive without the use of her hands, eyes, or full attention."

This insinuates that I text while I drive, and that I do not keep my eyes on the road. I would like to set the record straight: I do not text when I drive. I always have both hand on the wheel and both eyes on the road...fully prepared for a car that runs a light or a deer that bolts out in front of my car. I only crashed once, and it was in the garage.

10. "Her blog address is sarahpeross.blogspot.com. What is that “pe” doing between “sarah” and “ross” you might ask?" 

 SarahRoss was taken, Sarahpross was taken, and Sarahpetersross was taken. What did you want me to do, change my name?

11. "Her creative writing story. Sarah let me read the beginning stages of her “Adventures at the Cavs Games” and I recommend it to anyone who likes to be entertained. Really, I like any story Sarah is telling, she makes everything so funny."

I think its just Kaleigh that thinks these are so funny.

12. "Sarah can do cornrows, or rather one single rat-tail cornrow down the back of your head, after which she gives up."

I do know how to do braids. I taught myself after my dad would not pay $10 per braid at a vacation resort one time...I do not blame him...

13. "Sarah has about a million nicknames, and she only pretends to dislike them"

 Who likes the name Rossipoopoo? Its not possible to like that name, so I certainly do not even secretly like it as you apparently think I do.

14. "Sarah is so sincere, example: “Ms. Serensky, please write my essay.” Isn’t that what we all really wanted? All that complaining was just a smokescreen to hide what we were really asking for, and Sarah summed it up in six words."

 She didn't write it for me.

15. "Sarah is a great writer, and always has been, just check out her childhood journal, she’s a natural comedian."


16. "Sarah is embarrassed by her friends; she shushes us if our voices become too piercing in public places. When I told her about this post she made a face and told me everyone would think I was weird and I shouldn’t do it. Obviously, I went ahead with it anyway, but please vote on my poll and let me know if you think this is weird."

My mom always told me when I was little, "Were in public, act appropriate" Wait...she still tells me that today.

As for the visuals on Kaleigh's blog , I am thoroughly embarassed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for setting the record straight Sarah, I really enjoyed reading your responses. Too bad this marks the end of our friendship though, I really wanted to read the end of your Cavs story, I guess I'll never know what happens.
