"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Grammer Miss-steaks

      Over the past week or two, I have come to the realization that people just can not spell. I suffer from a mild panic attack when I don't know whether to add a comma to a sentence, while some people go around saying "their" instead of "there." I have received a plethora of interesting text messages over the past few days. These texts, coupled with a few Facebook posts and the signs that I witnessed at the Cavs game tonight, have been quite the shock to my system. Try these out on a paper, and I guarantee that your grade will drop from a 6+ to a 1- in a matter of seconds. They are in no particular order, as they are all just as bad as the next:

1. "Good riddens mo williams" This is a text I received after the departure of Mo Williams from the Cleveland Cavaliers.

2. "How will you get here at 3? Are you going to skip. I'm calling the principle" Another text. Sure, you can call the "principle" on me. Hope they call back.

3. "I'm running a little late. Hold tight I'll be their in a second" Text message gone wrong #3...

4. This one, if you can believe it, was a sign at the Cavs game that a girl hold up as she screamed to Anderson Varejo. She was close to the Cavs bench, so security brought it down and he actually signed it... "ANDERSON VAREJO, I THINK YOU ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIVE!"

...i bet he is the love of your "live"

5. "THE SPURS ARE JUST ANOTHER WEST COSTE TEAM" They have the best record in the entire league, so they aren't just another west coast team...but they are probably just another "west coste" team...

6. A Facebook message. Thankfully it was a message...so that nobody else could see it: "hi! how are you? is the whether warm in by you? its nice here. do you like school?" I said that it was a little chilly out...

The only advice that I can give you is to avoid correcting these people at all cost. Obviously, they do not realize the severity of their grammar issues. Therefore, they become hostile when you point out their error(s). Just pretend like nothing is wrong, and respond politely. Also, I would not recommend using these various spellings in your next essay. Though they are creative in come cases, and interesting spellings, but they will most likely result in a .5 deduction. Believe me, you do not want to start racking up a bunch of half point deductions. After lets say about 16.5, your self-esteem reaches an all-time low. I know from personal experience...

In case you ever run into any confusion:

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, I for sure share your displeasure for silly spelling mistakes made by my comrades via text messages. I cannot count how many times I have witnessed people mix up "your" and "you're" in text messages, which amazes me. Nothing against people who make this error, but I feel like everyone should understand the concept of an apostrophe.
