"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Friday, May 13, 2011

English Class by Kanye West

When we were playing the game in class and someone described Kanye West as "the guy who nobody likes who dissed Taylor Swift," I'm pretty sure that I heard someone say "I still like Kanye." It sounded like Ms. Serensky. Though I could did not previously picture her as the Kanye type, I figured that it would be o.k. to do a "Homecoming" remix because I am pretty sure she said that. I might have been hallucinating. But regardless, here it is.  

And you say Chag city
Chag city, Chag city

I'm comin' to class again
Do you think I’m gonna pass the exam?
Do you think I’m gonna pass the exam?
'Cause I'm comin' to get a five, to get a five

I met this lady when I was 16 years old
And what I loved most she had so much soul
She said, "Excuse me, my new students, I know you don't know me
But my name’s Serensky and I don’t like packing lunches"

from that point we knew she packed her lunch
learned so much in that first year we liked to show it off
she made her class tough, did tons of work and stuff
Data sheets ‘till 3 am because they take so long

And when I stayed up I wondered when I would be done
Past my bedtime I worked away, so astounding
I told myself to trudge through it to not get a B
you should never mess with deadlines or you’ll get a D

She said your done now lets watch a fun movie
Knew Moushumi’s face was quite a sight so put it on the screen of the t.v.
I guess it's why English class is just very funny
She said, “Hey, keep laughin’ and keep laughin’ ‘cause that is so funny

(I'm comin' to class again)
Do you think I’m gonna pass the exam?
Do you think I’m gonna pass the exam?
'Cause I'm comin' to get a five, to get a five

Do you think I’m gonna pass the exam?
Do you think I’m gonna pass the exam?
'Cause I'm comin' to get a five
Maybe I should memorize some quotes

But if she really cared for us
Then she would have never showed us that pic, because its scary
Sometimes I still talk about it
But when I talk about it, it always seems like I have a bad dream

She said, "We’re gonna blog- you’ll like it just like me”
you can rap or praise Dooneese if you choose
But just don’t be rude, and don’t embarrass me or you
Talkin' 'bout bad curse words and stuff ‘cause its just not cool"

Now everybody got the metaphysical conceit question wrong
I guess she never taught it but she’ll teach it before we’re gone
I guess this is why I'm here so I can pass the exam
But if you don’t pass people, she’ll hunt you down in the hall

Every one of you is representin’ her, makin’ her proud
Reach for the a 5 so if you fall you don’t get a 2
stand out in the crowd, make sure not to have a breakdown
And if you don't know by now, I'm talkin' about Chag town

(I'm comin' to class again)
Do you think I’m gonna pass the exam?
Do you think I’m gonna pass the exam?
'Cause I'm comin' to get a five, to get a five

Students, do you remember when, you did not even know how to begin?
Oh, now I’m comin’ to class again, to class again
Students, do you remember when, you did not even know how to begin?
Oh, now I’m comin’ to class again, to class again
Maybe I should memorize some quotes

Loyee, oyeee, oh, loyee, oyeee, oh
Comin' to class again
Loyee, oyeee, oh, loyee, oyeee, oh
Comin' to class again
I really can’t believe it’s the end.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Byebye Sereeree

   I have a plethora of nicknames, some of which include Rossipoopoo, Ross the Boss...Sar Sar. Due to the fact that few poeple call me "Sarah," I tend to come up with nicknames for other people as well. Even the cashier at the grocery store named Janet. I call her Janiqua. Little did Ms. Serensky know that I came up with a nickname for her as well midway through junior year: Sereeree. I came up with this nickname in strings class after watching the French Open. I call Serena Williams "Sereeree," and realizing that Serensky and Serena sound much alike, I decided to make Ms. Serensky's nickname Sereeree. I dedicate this entry to Sereeree. Her class provided us with much important information and skills that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. For most of us, if not all of us, AP English became a big part of our daily life. It also became most of our day. Data sheets from 3p.m. to 3 a.m., or for some of us a few hours each day and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. or so the night before. Those were the good times. Eating Fig Newtons, possibly crying, and typing away at out Data Sheets. Working on those baby SOAPstones for a few hours and whipping them out, usually not crying and eating Fig Newtons in the early morning hours. The valuable reading and annotating, in my case obsessive compulsive annotating, where we wrote essays in the margains of the book. Yes, my notes in the margain of Amsterdam were far better and higher quality than the actual essay that I turned in. The discussions. They brought out the best and the worst in us. We learned to assert ourselves and deal with the fact that differing opinions do not mean wrong opinions. Unless of course you imply that you can tell the future or that a group of people in a story are indeed humans when they might not be humans. Those areas get a little bit questionable. We used to fear homework, but now we fear no homework due to the fact that we think that we are missing something and that we will show up to class failing to complete some assignment. Who else does that? Nobody, I assure you. Did you before AP English? We must appreciate all of the pearls of wisdom Ms. Serensky provided us with. Thank you Sereeree.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Junice, Madea, Ms. Serensky

Ten reasons why you should take AP English. They are arranged in order from least best reason(10) to best reason(1):

10. You might just get to blog. This provides you with the perfect way to post embarrassing pictures of your friends from Facebook on your blog multiple times!  Like pictures of them strangely staring at a flaming marshmallow on a twig that they hold in their hand! How fun!

9. You can talk in class without raising your hand, and Ms. Serensky does not get mad. In fact, do not raise your hand unless instructed to or you will look a little bit weird. This helps to avoid arm/shoulder pains or cramps. If you need to say something, just blurt it on out. Freedom of speech at its best.
8.  The freedom: Writing is subjective, so you possess the freedom to express your own unique outlook on the text through your essays and discussion points. No more right or wrong answer. As long as your support it, you can talk about virtually any topic of your desire(within moderation, and with the appropriate type of essay) The Cavs, Saturday Night Live...you choose!

7. The heated discussions:  When people start spewing at the mouth and voicing their various opinions things get a little hairy. This person offends that person and so that person makes a snarky comment to spite them and then they give each other death stares for the rest of class and roll their eyes every time each other talk. Forget the fact that the whole time they are arguing you are not getting discussion points. It is funny to watch the hysterics! These moments alone make AP English a worthwhile endeavour.

6. The books: They make you think. If you think Twilight is deep, wait until you enter into AP English. You will discover a whole new meaning to the word deep. No more picture books for you! Now, when you sit at the dinner table with your family, you can contribute to the conversation with some intellectual insights instead of just shoving your mouth with food or staring at a wall. You can even talk to the intellects at your school about some high quality literature and they will not look at you like you speak gibberish.

5. The movies. WOW is all I will say.
4. Ms. Serensky knows her stuff. If you fail the exam after her intense preparation I do not know what to tell you. Sorry, your fault.

3. You can be yourself: If you turn in a final project video in which you dress up like a man, speak in a horrible accent, and wear an Anderson Varejo wig, Ms. Serensky will not outwardly judge you. She might judge you on the inside, though. I am not in any way condoning wearing wigs to class on a daily basis.
2. The constant laughter: I do not remember the last time I left the classroom without laughing. I would rank Ms. Serensky up there with Junice and Madea, which truly shows her comedic nature. A true comedian. If you do not like to laugh or smile, or even open your mouth for that matter, this class is not for you. Wait, I took it...

1. Must I even say? Data Sheets. Data Sheet Eve is better than Christmas Eve and New Years Eve combined. You get to stay up the latest!

Just Kidding...

The Real Number 1: It might help you to uncover a passion that you never knew you had.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Creeping in the Window

Lady Bracknell, McMurphy, and Ralph, all extremely concerned as to how Sarah does on her AP English 12 Literature Exam, gather outside the Rec Center where Sarah sits to take her test. Lasy Bracknell's carriage sits in the senior lot waiting for them to return.

Lady Bracknell: "This shilly-shalling with the question is absurd."(Wilde 9).

McMurphy: [These] questions ain't bonebreakers, they ain't sticks and stones."(Kesey 68).

Lady Bracknell: "I would strongly advise[her] to try and acquire some [intelligence] as soon as possible, and to make a definite effort to [find the answer]."(Wilde 15).

 Ralph: "Take your time, [Sarah]"(Currie 255).

Lady Bracknell: "Hardly a thing to be encouraged."(Wilde 9).

Ralph: "Go for years." (Currie 46).

Lady Bracknell: "[Your] idea is grotesque and irreligious [Ralph]."(Wilde 50).

McMurphy: "Okay then...I hope [Sarah] isn't hearing this."(Kesey 122).

Lady Bracknell: 'I think it is high time that [she] make up [her] mind."(Wilde 9).

McMurphy: "[She] might never get...it [the answer]."(Kesey 273).

Ralph: "Quit worrying" "She understands." (Currie 246,248).

McMurphy: "It's simple enough [the exam]. There ain't nothing noble or complicated about it."(Kesey 73).

Lady Bracknell: "I am glad to hear it...[she] should know...everything."(Wilde 12). 

McMurphy: “You’re right.” (Kesey 72).

 Ralph: "Keep track of time [Sarah].” (Currie 253).
The stop time approaches and passes, and Sarah puts down her pen.

Ralph: “She’s smiling. She looks happy." (Currie 255).

The three stooges head back to the carriage. They must wait for the results until mid-July(about the third week to be exact).