"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Junice, Madea, Ms. Serensky

Ten reasons why you should take AP English. They are arranged in order from least best reason(10) to best reason(1):

10. You might just get to blog. This provides you with the perfect way to post embarrassing pictures of your friends from Facebook on your blog multiple times!  Like pictures of them strangely staring at a flaming marshmallow on a twig that they hold in their hand! How fun!

9. You can talk in class without raising your hand, and Ms. Serensky does not get mad. In fact, do not raise your hand unless instructed to or you will look a little bit weird. This helps to avoid arm/shoulder pains or cramps. If you need to say something, just blurt it on out. Freedom of speech at its best.
8.  The freedom: Writing is subjective, so you possess the freedom to express your own unique outlook on the text through your essays and discussion points. No more right or wrong answer. As long as your support it, you can talk about virtually any topic of your desire(within moderation, and with the appropriate type of essay) The Cavs, Saturday Night Live...you choose!

7. The heated discussions:  When people start spewing at the mouth and voicing their various opinions things get a little hairy. This person offends that person and so that person makes a snarky comment to spite them and then they give each other death stares for the rest of class and roll their eyes every time each other talk. Forget the fact that the whole time they are arguing you are not getting discussion points. It is funny to watch the hysterics! These moments alone make AP English a worthwhile endeavour.

6. The books: They make you think. If you think Twilight is deep, wait until you enter into AP English. You will discover a whole new meaning to the word deep. No more picture books for you! Now, when you sit at the dinner table with your family, you can contribute to the conversation with some intellectual insights instead of just shoving your mouth with food or staring at a wall. You can even talk to the intellects at your school about some high quality literature and they will not look at you like you speak gibberish.

5. The movies. WOW is all I will say.
4. Ms. Serensky knows her stuff. If you fail the exam after her intense preparation I do not know what to tell you. Sorry, your fault.

3. You can be yourself: If you turn in a final project video in which you dress up like a man, speak in a horrible accent, and wear an Anderson Varejo wig, Ms. Serensky will not outwardly judge you. She might judge you on the inside, though. I am not in any way condoning wearing wigs to class on a daily basis.
2. The constant laughter: I do not remember the last time I left the classroom without laughing. I would rank Ms. Serensky up there with Junice and Madea, which truly shows her comedic nature. A true comedian. If you do not like to laugh or smile, or even open your mouth for that matter, this class is not for you. Wait, I took it...

1. Must I even say? Data Sheets. Data Sheet Eve is better than Christmas Eve and New Years Eve combined. You get to stay up the latest!

Just Kidding...

The Real Number 1: It might help you to uncover a passion that you never knew you had.


  1. Nice list Sarah, thanks for the call out

  2. Very nice list. Your true number one is so true. It really can help somebody uncover a passion they never really knew they had. But come on, comparing Ms. Serensky yo Madea? I respect the creativity but I'm just not seeing it.

  3. Sarah, not only do I love your list, but I love all the commentary! I had some of the same items on my list, but they weren't nearly as clever. I had no idea you had such a love to Madea. Unfortunately, I have never seen any of the Madea movies. I also really do like the fact that we never really raise our hands (my arm gets very tired), bravo, I didn't even think of that!
