"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Monday, May 2, 2011

Creeping in the Window

Lady Bracknell, McMurphy, and Ralph, all extremely concerned as to how Sarah does on her AP English 12 Literature Exam, gather outside the Rec Center where Sarah sits to take her test. Lasy Bracknell's carriage sits in the senior lot waiting for them to return.

Lady Bracknell: "This shilly-shalling with the question is absurd."(Wilde 9).

McMurphy: [These] questions ain't bonebreakers, they ain't sticks and stones."(Kesey 68).

Lady Bracknell: "I would strongly advise[her] to try and acquire some [intelligence] as soon as possible, and to make a definite effort to [find the answer]."(Wilde 15).

 Ralph: "Take your time, [Sarah]"(Currie 255).

Lady Bracknell: "Hardly a thing to be encouraged."(Wilde 9).

Ralph: "Go for years." (Currie 46).

Lady Bracknell: "[Your] idea is grotesque and irreligious [Ralph]."(Wilde 50).

McMurphy: "Okay then...I hope [Sarah] isn't hearing this."(Kesey 122).

Lady Bracknell: 'I think it is high time that [she] make up [her] mind."(Wilde 9).

McMurphy: "[She] might never get...it [the answer]."(Kesey 273).

Ralph: "Quit worrying" "She understands." (Currie 246,248).

McMurphy: "It's simple enough [the exam]. There ain't nothing noble or complicated about it."(Kesey 73).

Lady Bracknell: "I am glad to hear it...[she] should know...everything."(Wilde 12). 

McMurphy: “You’re right.” (Kesey 72).

 Ralph: "Keep track of time [Sarah].” (Currie 253).
The stop time approaches and passes, and Sarah puts down her pen.

Ralph: “She’s smiling. She looks happy." (Currie 255).

The three stooges head back to the carriage. They must wait for the results until mid-July(about the third week to be exact).


  1. Sarah, this was quite entertaining to read! You did a great job with keeping the character's personalities consistent throughout the scene. I find it interesting that you chose Lady Bracknell as your favorite from The Importance of Being Earnest considering the drama you encountered on her part in class!

  2. Sarah, a very well written entry. I particularly enjoyed your depiction of Lady Bracknell throughout the conversation. She seems to transfer her personality from the countryside of England to the test-taking room in Chagrin Falls with ease. Overall, extremely entertaining.
