"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Monday, May 9, 2011

Byebye Sereeree

   I have a plethora of nicknames, some of which include Rossipoopoo, Ross the Boss...Sar Sar. Due to the fact that few poeple call me "Sarah," I tend to come up with nicknames for other people as well. Even the cashier at the grocery store named Janet. I call her Janiqua. Little did Ms. Serensky know that I came up with a nickname for her as well midway through junior year: Sereeree. I came up with this nickname in strings class after watching the French Open. I call Serena Williams "Sereeree," and realizing that Serensky and Serena sound much alike, I decided to make Ms. Serensky's nickname Sereeree. I dedicate this entry to Sereeree. Her class provided us with much important information and skills that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. For most of us, if not all of us, AP English became a big part of our daily life. It also became most of our day. Data sheets from 3p.m. to 3 a.m., or for some of us a few hours each day and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. or so the night before. Those were the good times. Eating Fig Newtons, possibly crying, and typing away at out Data Sheets. Working on those baby SOAPstones for a few hours and whipping them out, usually not crying and eating Fig Newtons in the early morning hours. The valuable reading and annotating, in my case obsessive compulsive annotating, where we wrote essays in the margains of the book. Yes, my notes in the margain of Amsterdam were far better and higher quality than the actual essay that I turned in. The discussions. They brought out the best and the worst in us. We learned to assert ourselves and deal with the fact that differing opinions do not mean wrong opinions. Unless of course you imply that you can tell the future or that a group of people in a story are indeed humans when they might not be humans. Those areas get a little bit questionable. We used to fear homework, but now we fear no homework due to the fact that we think that we are missing something and that we will show up to class failing to complete some assignment. Who else does that? Nobody, I assure you. Did you before AP English? We must appreciate all of the pearls of wisdom Ms. Serensky provided us with. Thank you Sereeree.


  1. Sarah, I fully enjoyed this post! I feel that this nickname is a wonderful choice! I too will find it hard to forget the wealth of wisdom we have attained in the last two years of AP English. I am sure that we will find few classes quite as maddening and satisfying in the future.

  2. Sarah, I love the nickname. It not only captures Ms. Serensky's whimsical character, but the comparison it now elicits to Serena Williams is shockingly accurate. The two share so many attributes, the connection is unmistakable. Although I will do my best to quickly shed all of the wisdom I have accrued in my years of AP English, I must agree that this knowledge will likely stick with me. For better or for worse, we are AP English students for life.
