"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Thursday, April 21, 2011


          My favorite poem, Stephen Dunn's "Discrepancies," is not my favorite due to it's content. I did enjoy the content of the poem might I add. This poem provided me with another recorded memory, just as my childhood dream journal did. The most bizarre of events occurred due to this poem, which ultimately led to my possession of yet another reminder of how truly unique I still am to this day, just as my childhood dream journal reminds me of how truly unique I was before. I openly admit to this uniqueness, and "it probably goes without saying"(108). Anyhow, my interpretation of the implications of Stephen Dunn's work was that you should look to gain a better understanding of the people around you and look to see their true colors. In the poem, Dunn directly refers to a lady with a jewel on her forehead. Therefore, I thought that I should make my title "The Jeweled Forehead," as I wanted my title to pertain to the poem as much a possible, as well as the immediate focus of my work. I was a bit skeptical though, to really name my paper "The Jeweled Forehead", as I thought that Ms, Serensky would believe me to be a racist when that was not at all the intention of my title. I decided to call Katie Connolly, a voice of reason, to consult her about the appropriateness of this title. She said something along the lines of, "Why is that a problem?"(132). She did not find it to be as big of a deal as I did. Somehow, though we STILL can not figure out how this happened, Katie's cell phone recorded our entire conversation, start to finish. It was the most bizarre thing ever, and the most bizarre conversation ever if you could call it that! Personally, I believe that it was meant to be, as this magically recorded conversation might even top my childhood journal entries. I can not really describe it to you, except for the fact that it was just kind of a little bit funny. When I listen to it I usually laugh, though I only listen to it about once a month since that’s about "all I can manage"(197). I will tell you this, it is quite interesting. Without Stephen Dunn and his poem "Discrepancies," I would not have magically obtained this recorded conversation about the title of my poem. I will probably try and keep it on my phone forever,  like my Dream Journal, as it is a little reminder of my childhood, or in this case teen years, that just really makes me laugh.   English just seems to provide me with ways to form and rekindle such great memories. Thank you, Stephen! And that is why Stephen Dunn's poem will always be my favorite. It provided me with just another memory of myself as a child. I still refer to myself as a child due to the fact that I have the maturity level of a five year old.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, I always enjoy your stories from your life. They are very entertaining, though I do not see the problem with naming a poem "The Jeweled Forehead" as long as you have a reasonable explanation.
