"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's the Best Day Ever

            The date was Monday, January 31, 2011, to be precise. Since I’m being so precise, I should probably add that I walked into the classroom from the hallway at about 9:27 and headed towards my seat, reached my seat and sat down on it, got out my English materials needed for class that day, then sat down and waited for class to start. If I were to give it a grade on the AP scale, I would give it a 9-, which obviously means that it was my favorite day. Anyhow, “Bobbie’s Blog Banter” soon followed. At the end of her “banter,” she suggested that I dress up as an old man for Halloween next year. This is why it was my favorite day, and why I gave this day a “9-” on the AP grading scale. Had Ms. Serensky suggested that I dress up like a beautiful model or Mo Williams I would give this day a “9/9+,” or potentially even a “9+.” Most people do not consider the day their English teacher tells them to dress up like an old man to be their favorite. I do. Had Ms. Serensky not suggested such a thing, I would not have ventured down to the basement to look for the picture of me as a fourth grader when I actually did dress up as an old man. Upon looking at this picture, most people blurt out “He’s beautiful”(243). Just kidding. When people first laid eyes on the sight, that being me in my old mad get up, they probably thought that they were “sitting there hallucinating a mile a minute”(114). I mean who in their right mind dresses up like an old man? I wish people would have told me “I state quite frankly and openly that you seem to me to be in every way the visible personification of absolute perfection”(31). I mean I thought that I looked good. If I had not ventured down to find this picture, I would not have stumbled across the infamous “Dream Journal” in which I detailed the events of my life from ages 9-11. Therefore, I will forever remember and cherish the day in English in which Ms. Serensky suggested the old man look and helped me to unearth my childhood journal. After referencing my coveted journal so many times, I find it most appropriate to share with you the entry that makes it me like it so much, as well as make this day in English my absolute favorite:

“Hi! Im back. It is nigth! Today we played on the swing set for a long time for so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so long. We played gimungo rocks. Baseicly you swing and than the person who does not swing sneeks to the front yard and gets some rocks from the jarden and they are gimungo rocks they are so so so so so so so so so big and gimungo they come and threw them at us on the when we swing and try to hit us with them and then sneek back to the rocks and get more. It is so much fun I got hit with a rock on my feet and then my shoe come off but not my foot and my toe hurts becuase it is the little one on the end! I do not want a snub becuase my foot falls off. Good nigth. God blesse.”  


  1. Grown up Sarah is pretty funny, I have to admit, but baby Sarah takes the prize for sure. I hope you will continue to share these jewels from your younger years, I love them more than your "Adventures at the Cavs Games." As for "gimungo rocks" I beleive I once played a version of this game with my brother, but it wasn't quite as fun as you describe.

  2. Sarah, I must admit that you have a very strange interpretation of the word "best." I do not think my best day ever would include being called an old man or having rocks thrown at me. However, I admire your ability to look at the humor in the situation. If Ms. Serensky compared you to Junice, would that have earned a 9+? I think that is a much more flattering comparison.
