"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Visit to the Wilderness

This conversation took place between William Bibbet and Ralph a few days after William Bibbet's mother becomes friends with Nurse Ratched. Upon Nurse Ratched setting foot into the Bibbet household for the first time for some dinner, William Bibbet laid eyes on her and immediately evacuated the area. He end up in a wooded area of Sedona, though William "Billy" Bibbet does not have the slightest idea of where he is. He comes across a man named Ralph.
Billy: "No! I d-d-didn't! I was..."(315)

Ralph: "Didn't do what?"

Billy: "Do-do-don't hurt me! Puh-puh-puh-lease."

Ralph: "I'm not going to hurt you. I live here among the squirrels, snakes, and bears my friend."

Billy: "Where am I?"

Ralph: "Sedona."

Billy: "I have been running for a l-l-l-l-l-l-l-long time now. I hope they don't catch me"

Ralph: "Who?"

Billy: "Duh-duh-don't tell"(315).

Ralph: "Who?"

Billy" Don't tell anyone th-tha-a-at you saw me here. D-d-d-on't tell my mother!"

Ralph: "I don't plan on returning to civilization soon, better yet ever. My wife, Bev, hates me. Bev is disda..."


Ralph: (looks around concernedly) Where is Bev?

Billy: "AHHHHHH it's Nurse Ratched!"

Ralph: "Sir, I believe you just laid eyes on a wild bear."

Billy: "It-it-it-it's her. NURSE RATCHED!"

Ralph: "No need to be frightened. Are you frightened?"

Billy: "No, my name is William Bibbet.B-b-b-ut you can call me B-B-illy."

Ralph: "I'm Ralph. My daily activities consist of squirrel watching, snake hunting, and waiting for the world to end. How about you?"

Billy: " Th-th-ere's something over there, a-a-and it looks alot like Nurse Ratched."

Ralph: "Don't worry, I get along with the bears out here, and the squirrels, but those snakes...I'll show you. This brown beauty in particular, I feed him berries and the leftovers of anything I catch. Sometimes these wonders of nature are my sounding board out here. I tell them about my wife and family. Like I was saying before, my wife "Bev is disdainful. She looks down her nose at me."(254).

Billy: "Y-y-you feed the b-b-b-bear?"

Ralph: "Yes, and right about now he looks like could use a little snacky-poo. Better go give it to him. You don't mess with the bears out here."

Billy: "H-h-hoooowwww?"

Ralph: "Well, it's not easy. I'm gonna get real weird with it. There is no normal way to feed a bear without putting your life in danger."

Billy: "o-o-k"

Ralph:  Anyways, like I was saying, my wife Bev and I, "We were a mismatch."(255).

Billy: "o-oh"

Ralph: "Oh, I forgot to mention, this bear right here doesn't always like my leftovers. If he sniffs 'em and does not like them, you will probably be his next meal..."

Billy runs off in a state of panic, clearly favoring dinner with Nurse Ratched at this point.

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