"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Monday, April 25, 2011

My Top 10

These are in order from least thrilling(10), to most thrilling (1).

10. The day I learned the value of paying attention in class. It was in 10th grade Honors Algebra II when I got a D on a test(in other words I thought that the world was going to end) and so I tried very hard to understand the next chapter. I did significantly better on the next test(a D+, just kidding it was an A), and thus from then on forward, and to this day, I pay attention in class. It will improve your grades drastically that I would "bet you anything"(Wilde 17). I would bet you a million dollars. 

9. The day Ms. Serensky read my Dream Journal out loud to the class as part of her "Blog Banter." It is always nice to know that someone appreciates your writings even though every other word is spelled wrong. When you are in third grade and do not know how to spell "stub," you should possess some concern because, quite frankly, "its pretty simple"(Currie 156). It was especially reassuring when Ms. Serensky told me "It's alright" after I told her that I was indeed in third grade at that time, and visibly a bit behind the learning curve in the writing department. This particular moment finally assured me that "It's alright" that I could not form a sentence in third grade. I feel a little bit smarter and maybe I can go off to college now. Thanks, Ms. Serensky.

8.  Though they do not have a high school class called, "Outfit Styling" in our school, I believe that dressing appropriately for school or any type of public venue is extremely important. Thus, when Mark Wood first walked onto the stage in orchestra with his skin tight leather laced up pants and see through white shirt, I learned something very important. What not to wear EVER! I would never wear such an outfit unless in costume, "I'd sooner die" (Wilde 25). Though I appreciate his spunk and eclectic sense of style, it taught me a very important lesson in which I consider to fall under the category of academically thrilling.

7. The day I learned how to say the word "corn" in French class. One might tell you that they learned how to say "corn," or "le mais" in Middle School French, but I did not learn such a thing until high school French. This moment was academically thrilling not only due to the fact that corn falls into my top five favorite foods , but due to the fact that this very word helped me many a time on French speaking exams. One time the speaking prompt was: "How do you spend your money?" Of course, I went on a corn field day with that one, "you can hardly imagine"(Wilde 15). Corn was about the only word I knew, and it helped me to get an A on the speaking exam multiple times.

6. The day I finished the book Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Er...I refer to her as Barbara, plainly and simply. Ms. Serensky, I know you will probably roll your eyes when you read this, but I it needs to be said: I never fully read a novel/play/short story for school up until that point. Therefore, this moment made me feel like a true scholar. I could finally classify myself as a scholarly student! Success! You are probably thinking to yourself, "Are you serious?"(Currie 149). Yes, I am serious. This was one of the most fulfilling days of my life.

5. The day we beat the "Dream Team" at the multiple choice game. Though some people believe that I "leech off of Kaleigh and that my claim to fame is Kaleigh," I still find this day to be most academically thrilling. And people, you are right, Kaleigh and her 92% always help our team out. But we must not forget Emily and Cat who get alot of answers right as well and help Kaleigh to settle me down when I realize how many answers that I have gotten wrong proportional to the total number or problems! I look at my score and "I'm disappointed in myself"(Currie 165).

4. The day that I got back my paper in which we wrote about what we would do if the world were to end upon turning 36. Finally, I realized that maybe I should actually try to make an appearance on Saturday Night Live one day. It made me truly take into consideration the advantages of possessing a big forehead and a little sense of humor, as there can never be enough Junices, or "Dooneeses" as some say. This epiphany was quite the thrill, as I realized that I might as well try and do something entertaining with my life besides become a corporate lawyer! I boredom might cause me to end up "as crazy as loons"(Kesey 145).

3.Writing the argument essay on my AP Exam. The saddest thing is that I am not sure that I am even spelling argument right. I enjoyed writing it. Let me just say that I do not at all write argument essays in my spare time, "I swear"(Kesey 47). Anyhow, on my AP Exam Argument essay, I based a body paragraph on Indiana Pacers fans and how I am able to diss them in a humorous way in order to avoid hurting their feelings too much. I love basketball, and I hate people who are not Cavs fans, so to describe my methods of dissing Cavs haters on the AP Exam was quite a thrill, and an essay in which I wish I had a copy of.

2. The day I received an English award last year. The only other school related award that I had ever won was the "Perfect Attendance Award" in 8th grade. I was so proud of my "Perfect Attendance Award" because it was my only one, that I framed it. All I had to do was show up to school, nothing else. That's what makes the whole matter so sad. This is what I thought when I approached Ms. Serensky after not being there: 'She's [Ms. Serensky] so furious"(Kesey 5).

1. Passing my AP Exams. Anything to take less classes in college next year. I need as much time as possible to devote to Buckeye sports. I knew that I should knock out some credits, "I just thought it would be better"(Kesey 265). Go Bucks!

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