"My grandma waved to some people and they did not wave back i am so so somad at them" - Dream Journal

Thursday, April 7, 2011

You Need to Know...

Dear Voice that talks to Junior,
        I wish that you would have just popped on into my head say August 23rd of 2009. I understand that you were a little preoccupied with the apocalypse, but I could have used a little guidance. At about 9:26 a.m., upon entering Ms. Serensky's room for the first time, you should have just came out and told me, "You need to understand this truth"(8). I am not speaking of the apocalypse. You needed to just tell me straight from the start, "You need to understand this truth: To be in this class you need to know how to read, as in you need to read more than one book a year, not counting picture books" Clearly, I could have used this forewarning. Also, it would have been nice to know ahead of time that on the last day of school I would feel compelled to announce to the whole class my dislike for leisurely reading by saying, "I did not like this book. But then again, I do not read leisurely." Not one of my better ideas. With you there, I could have avoided such a moment. I could have avoided trying to compensate for my remark by guaranteeing my teacher upon leaving the room for the last time that year that I would "read 100 books this summer for sure." Who does that? Unfortunately, this was a minor offense compared to some of the other things I did last year. When Mariel demanded that I share the story about my head, you could have told me, "You're about to make the most important decision of your life to date"(190). By "the most important decision of my life to date" I mean whether or not to tell the story about my big head as a baby. It would have been nice to know that if I told this story, that it would make its way onto the third quarter quotes sheet and that people that were not even in AP English would approach me and ask me for the full scoop in my jumbo sized head. Though I am generally a pretty good student, you would not have approved of my decision to schedule an appointment during school, especially on the day of Spring fest. You probably would have abandoned me forever rather than simply telling me that "We have no choice but to suspend our usual stance of supportive neutrality"(116). See, this is why I needed you to tell me about the future. I need to know when important things are coming up. I am not psychic. The closest crystal ball to me is the one at the Science Center, and I do not even think that it is an actual crystal ball since it did not tell me anything the last time I looked into it. A sister needed some scheduling help, and you were not there to provide it. All in all, I could have used you. But I’d say it is too late now. The more that I think about it, you would have creeped me out.
Thanks for allowing me to make a fool of myself multiple times last year,

I needed one of these

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